I DIDN'T EVEN FERTILIZE THEM BUT NEVERTHELESS, MY ROSES THAT GROW IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE (PINK HOUSE AND RED ROSES) ARE ASTONISHING! They are regular Jackson and Perkins roses like Mon Cherie and Ingrid Bergman etc. and for five years they were well-behaved. Now they cover the windows, bloom prolifically and some have climbed to six and seven feet tall!
When this first fantastic flush of bloom has passed, I'm going to level the bushes off to waist high, feed, water, and stand back to see what may come next.
Hi Mom - Glad you've been on the move and that the higher desk is finished so you can use the computer while standing. We've been doing a lot around here and outside too -- no time to blog. I wonder if I ever will again!
Love you more.
Hi Pam---You cam be excised for beig so busy for now....but don't say you might never blog again! Your humor would be so sadly missed by so many.
My roses never grow like that! Where in the world do you live?
Don't fret. Think of it this way---I am going to have a whole ton of work ahead in order to tame these hyperactive giants. I grow them in Oregon, by the way.
My little scraggley roses have many many beautiful flowers this year, too. Pretty now, and like you say, lots of work later. But for now - ah we stop and smell. Pretty picture!
Dear Cherie..Some flowers really get to me. ROSES are a good example: for color, fragrance and overall beauty they just can't be replaced by a flower by any other name.
However, the LILACS in spring always make me wax nostalgic. They are so lovely in bloom, and talk about fragrance! By the way, I went through a dried flower phase WHERE I DRIED EVERY FLOWER I COULD GET MY HANDS ON, and discovered that dried lilacs retain fragrance for a few years.
Lilies captivate me too along with delphinium (which don't have a fragrance but the COLOR is fantastic)!
Thanks for the visit!
I know what you mean about lilacs, Lizza. When the lilacs were in bloom around here, Caroline picked one for me, so I could sit in my chair and sniff and sniff and sniff for awhile. And I did. Many times. I found that dried up lilac yesterday, and lo and behold, still sniffable. Amazing. Good things last.
And I'm with you, roses are superior! Love them!
Well, SOME good things last - potato salad doesn't! Does it! It gets snarfed up in a hurry.
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